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Crisafulli, Senate leaders rake in cash


Political committees led by House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, and two Senate Republican leaders piled up cash in December, newly filed finance reports show.

The Crisafulli-led "Growing Florida's Future" committee pulled in $189,500 during the month and had about $521,000 in available cash as of Dec. 31, according to the report. The contributions included $50,000 from Florida Power & Light.

Meanwhile, a committee led by Senate Appropriations Chairman Tom Lee, R-Brandon, raised $160,500 in December and had about $1.8 million on hand. Among the contributors to the Lee committee, known as "The Conservative," were a Harris Corp. PAC that contributed $20,000, the committee's report said.

Also, a committee led by Senate Majority Leader Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, collected $155,500 during the month and had slightly more than $1 million on hand as of Dec. 31. Contributions to the committee, known as "Innovate Florida," included $35,000 from Disney Worldwide Services.

State candidates and committees face a Monday night deadline for filing updated finance reports.