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Lawmakers look at early start to 2018 session


State House members Monday will consider an early start to the 2018 legislative session, similar to a decision that moved up the beginning of this year's session. The proposal (PCB GOAS 16-01), going before the Government Operations Appropriations Subcommittee, calls for the 2018 session to begin Jan. 9. The regular 60-day session typically lasts from early March to early May, except in redistricting years. The state Constitution fixes the start of session to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March in odd-numbered years, but no dates are specified for even-numbered years. Two years ago, when lawmakers agreed to advance the start of the 2016 session to January, supporters of the change said, in part, that it would allow lawmakers to be home with their families for such things as spring break. This year's session started Jan. 12 and is scheduled to end March 11.