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#Sayfie Snapshot - January 19, 2016

Today's Hits and Bits in Florida politics

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Scott stresses enforcement over transparency in hospital pricing by Christine Sexton of Politico Florida.

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@CortesBob: Honored to receive the #MLK Good Citizenship Award from City of Longwood thank you #sayfie


“I would assume my father would support anything that lifted up and created opportunities for ‘the least of these...I don’t think he would get caught up in the politics of it.”

- Martin Luther King III, who is a supporter of tax-credit funded scholarships in Florida. King is leading a rally in favor of the scholarships in Tallahassee today.


31 percent. Donald Trump still leads among Florida GOP voters, according to a new poll for the Florida Times-Union. Cruz is in second with 19 percent, while Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are at 13 and 12 percent respectively.