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Senators ready to consider fantasy sports


With some other large states saying daily fantasy-sports games are a type of gambling, Florida senators this week will wade into the debate with a bill that would regulate the industry. But the bill (SB 832), sponsored by Sen. Joe Negron, R-Stuart, would make clear that fantasy sports games do not fall under Florida's gambling laws.

The Senate Regulated Industries Committee is scheduled to consider the issue Wednesday. Officials in states such as New York, Illinois and Texas have said they consider online daily fantasy contests as a type of gambling --- a contention that the fast-growing industry disputes.

Also Wednesday, the Regulated Industries Committee is scheduled to continue discussion of a proposed gambling deal, known as a "compact," with the Seminole Tribe of Florida. Gov. Rick Scott and the tribe reached agreement on the proposal, which could bring $3 billion to the state, but the deal requires approval from the Legislature. The proposal has touched off a broader debate that includes gambling issues in the pari-mutuel industry.