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Protesters planning 'Dump Trump' demonstration outside candidate's Sarasota rally

Herald Tribune, November 24, 2015, at 3:03 PM

Trump staffing up in Florida

Herald Tribune, November 24, 2015, at 2:38 PM

New Miami Beach commissioners sworn in, call for unity across the dais

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 2:38 PM

Donald Trump expands Florida campaign team

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 2:13 PM

Activists plan Dec. 7 antiabortion rally at Florida Capitol

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 1:21 PM

Voters' coalition drops pair of Senate maps, leaving court with five plans to review at trial

Post, November 24, 2015, at 1:13 PM

Francis Suarez sworn into office, makes case for 'New Miami'

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 1:02 PM

Bush invokes fall of Herman Cain to reassure supporters at Longboat Key fundraiser

Herald Tribune, November 24, 2015, at 12:27 PM

Valeche latest county official to endorse Scott's pitch for economic development cash

Post, November 24, 2015, at 12:06 PM

The Randy Perkins factor: Dem leaves congressional race, Republican fires shot

Post, November 24, 2015, at 11:40 AM

A protester was kicked at a Donald Trump rally. It wasn't the first time that happened.

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 11:27 AM

Oscar Ray Bolin, Jr. asks Florida Supreme Court to stay execution

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 11:15 AM

Environmentalist Drew Martin enters Democratic race for open county commission seat

Post, November 24, 2015, at 11:03 AM

Medical marijuana industry gets off the ground

SayfieReview, November 24, 2015, at 10:54 AM

Redistricting challengers abandon Senate maps that do not cross Tampa Bay

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 10:37 AM

Broward circuit judge charged with ethics violations

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 10:36 AM

Aronson, 39 others want to run Charter Review

Sun Sentinel, November 24, 2015, at 10:35 AM

Marco Rubio's first TV ad for Iowa, New Hampshire highlights humble roots, American dream

Post, November 24, 2015, at 10:31 AM

Jeb Bush's misleading claim about Barack Obama not hosting Republican senators for dinner until 2013

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 10:08 AM

Marco Rubio tells dad's story in TV ad airing in early states

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 9:03 AM

Fact-checking Hillary Clinton's claims about Iran nuclear deal and Libya

Herald, November 24, 2015, at 8:48 AM

Democratic power broker Murray Kalish, 1918-2015

Post, November 24, 2015, at 7:13 AM

A look back at Marco Rubio's FIU teaching record

Herald, November 23, 2015, at 8:19 PM

Yet another complaint filed against pro-Marco Rubio 'dark money' group

Herald, November 23, 2015, at 7:28 PM

The political advice Columba Bush says she gave her husband

Herald, November 23, 2015, at 7:20 PM