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Romney goes medieval on Gingrich

January 23, 2012, at 2:53 PM

Is there such a thing as too many debates?

January 23, 2012, at 2:43 PM

TomRooney: Another abdication of leadership from the campaigner in chief - "Obama delays 2013 budget" via @AddThis

January 23, 2012, at 2:42 PM

U.S. Rep. Nugent endorses Simpson in state Senate race

January 23, 2012, at 2:41 PM

Congressman Nugent backs Simpson vs. Legg (and Fasano?)

January 23, 2012, at 2:39 PM

Amid sinking poll numbers, Santorum says voters like him the best but think he can’t win

January 23, 2012, at 2:39 PM

adamputnam: Video from this morning's trip to Kate Sullivan Elementary as part of Celebrate Literacy Week:!

January 23, 2012, at 2:38 PM

Allen West wields $2.7 million for re-election bid

Sun-Sentinel, January 23, 2012, at 2:37 PM

Allen West raises $1.75 million in quarter, has $2.7 million on hand

January 23, 2012, at 2:32 PM

adamputnam: Many thanks to the 3rd graders @ Kate Sullivan for inviting me to read to them this A.M. for Celebrate Literacy Wk.

January 23, 2012, at 2:22 PM

Obama Appointee Will Receive Union Pay While on NLRB

January 23, 2012, at 2:16 PM

Newt Gingrich (finally) to go on FL TV with ad.

January 23, 2012, at 2:14 PM

Allen West: Obama IS The Food Stamp President

January 23, 2012, at 2:11 PM

Debate prequel: Romney and surrogates rip Newt on Freddie Mac

January 23, 2012, at 2:10 PM

TomRooney: Thank u to everyone who came to DC to participate in #MarchforLife. I stand w/ you in your efforts to defend the sanctity of life #prolife

January 23, 2012, at 2:09 PM

Monday political roundup. Florida Florida Florida

January 23, 2012, at 2:07 PM

The day has come: Airport runway breaks ground today at FLL

Sun Sentinel, January 23, 2012, at 2:05 PM

State may ban local bee laws

January 23, 2012, at 2:03 PM

Romney Hispanic ad: He’ll fight against ‘the despotic efforts of Castro and Chavez’

January 23, 2012, at 2:01 PM

A campaign tip for Candidate Gingrich

January 23, 2012, at 1:59 PM

Proposal to make taxpayer-supported stadiums house the homeless rounds first in the Legislature

January 23, 2012, at 1:58 PM

Newt Gingrich's latest Spanish-language radio ad goes after Barack Obama, not Mitt Romney

January 23, 2012, at 1:54 PM

Lawmakers advance bill to fine sports teams for not housing the homeless

January 23, 2012, at 1:53 PM

State may ban local bee laws

January 23, 2012, at 1:53 PM

Alexander backs off part of privatization bill

Sun-Sentinel, January 23, 2012, at 1:37 PM