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Alan4Florida: I had a gr8 time RT @housedemsgirl: Tallahassee @OFA_FL vols R excited 2 phonebank w/ @Alan4Florida as we ...

November 6, 2011, at 3:14 PM

Porno para Ricardo — The G2’s Love

November 6, 2011, at 2:14 PM

Alan4Florida: 1 yr from 2day, I need ur help 2 re-elect our Pres. @BarackObama to continue the progress of this administration! @OFA_FL #wecantwait

November 6, 2011, at 2:11 PM

Alan4Florida: RT @Kidz1stFund: Help us reach 100 percent survival. Learn how you can help us fight FA by visiting: ⁰

November 6, 2011, at 2:04 PM

Michael Pinson distributes long-awaited “press release” to, um, adult dating sites

November 6, 2011, at 1:38 PM

JustinSayfie: @MarcACaputo via satellite from Miami.

November 6, 2011, at 1:27 PM

JustinSayfie: I'll be on a political panel on FOX News Channel today at 4:30 p.m. ET talking presidential politics. Hope you can tune in!

November 6, 2011, at 1:22 PM

JustinSayfie: @FatherGator You must have at least 100 followers to have your tweets show up. Here are the rules:

November 6, 2011, at 1:21 PM

The time has come to end the rule of the 1%

November 6, 2011, at 1:00 PM

A Babalú housekeeping note

November 6, 2011, at 12:24 PM

Rick Perry’s Son Griffin Campaigns in Florida

November 6, 2011, at 12:02 PM

In one year

November 6, 2011, at 12:00 PM

scottplakon: @SaintPetersblog: @THEHermanCain / @NewtGingrich ticket in 2012? #tcot #HermanCain @CainPress

November 6, 2011, at 11:59 AM

Florida Political News: Nov 6, 2011

November 6, 2011, at 11:54 AM

Cain-Gingrich in 2012?

November 6, 2011, at 11:30 AM

AG Bondi on spiders, her four-hour commute and wedding planning

November 6, 2011, at 11:29 AM

Alan4Florida: @rolandsmartin today is one year from election day, countdown time to returning @BarackObama to the @whitehouse

November 6, 2011, at 10:55 AM

The Associated Press’ Spin Cycle

November 6, 2011, at 10:46 AM

‘The just man is happy’

November 6, 2011, at 10:30 AM

scottplakon: RT @StevenErtelt: Pregnancy Worries Are Temporary, But Abortion is Forever @CristPolit #pro-life #catholic

November 6, 2011, at 10:05 AM

Through storms, bad polls and fundraising, Huntsman forges on

November 6, 2011, at 10:00 AM

Time for Civil Eminent Domain Over “Obamaville”

November 6, 2011, at 10:00 AM

New Ahem

November 6, 2011, at 9:40 AM

Sociological Classifications of Cubans and Cuban Americans

November 6, 2011, at 9:30 AM

Fla Insider Poll: GOP politicos less confident than Dems about prez race

November 6, 2011, at 8:56 AM