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Weekly Roundup: Strange days indeed


THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, March 3, 2017......... A strange legislative off-season came to a close this week, as Gov. Rick Scott continued turning up the heat on fellow Republicans while the political jockeying to succeed him started fitfully moving out of the abstract.

Some of the developments --- particularly when it came to Scott's stumping for economic-development incentives --- added to a surreal feeling as the legislative session prepares to start Tuesday, with more than one observer noting that it seemed more like the middle of the annual gathering of lawmakers than the lead-up.

Tensions between Scott, House Speaker Richard Corcoran and Senate President Joe Negron --- all three Republicans, and all three believed to be looking at higher office --- are traditionally supposed to get worse as the session wears on. But how could things get more tense after Scott has slammed Corcoran as a "career politician" while the speaker has blasted Scott's push for "corporate welfare?"

Other parts of state government and politics seemed at least a bit more normal. Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum erased any hopes of a long respite from campaign coverage when he announced that he would run for the Democratic nomination to replace Scott, who will leave office in a little less than two years because of term limits.

And Scott tabbed an outspoken and wealthy former U.S. Senate candidate to lead the state Constitution Revision Commission, which is responsible for recommending proposed constitutional amendments to voters ahead of the 2018 elections. With luck, the intraparty Republican scuffles might be over by then.


There is no downtime in politics anymore, and the brief break from open campaigning in Florida came to a halt Wednesday, when Gillum made himself the first high-profile candidate in the race to succeed Scott.

"I can't wait to be able to move forward a vision in this state that puts people to work at every rung on the income level," Gillum said in a short video released by his campaign. "That's what I want to do for the state of Florida."

Gillum also mentioned infrastructure and education in the largely autobiographical video, which runs nearly six minutes.

For the record, the Democratic primary is 17 months away.

If elected, Gillum would be the first black governor in Florida history. But even before he has a chance to try to break Democrats' lengthy losing streak in gubernatorial races, the 37-year-old mayor could have to navigate a primary featuring higher-profile candidates like trial lawyer John Morgan and former Congresswoman Gwen Graham.

"He's a great, really strong young leader," said Alison Morano, a Jacksonville-based Democratic strategist, before emphasizing the flip side of that: "He's also young."

Gillum, who was elected mayor in 2014, might have needed to jump out of the gates early to get name recognition and raise money. He comes from the state's isolated capital city, nestled in a sparsely populated media market.

"He's very well-known in his metropolitan area, but not very well-known throughout the rest of the state," said Aubrey Jewett, a political-science professor at the University of Central Florida.

The Republican Governors Association was quick to pounce, pointing out that Gillum had already been forced to apologize for using city-bought software to send out political emails for a Hillary Clinton campaign event. The GOP group also highlighted questions raised by Politico Florida about whether Gillum's launch video was produced before he filed for governor --- a potential violation of campaign-finance laws.

"Florida's next governor should be someone who will uphold the rule of law and uphold the public's trust in its elected leaders," the association said. "Andrew Gillum has already failed that test."

Gillum also quickly drew a primary opponent when Orlando businessman Chris King announced Thursday that he will seek the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. King is CEO of Elevation Financial Group, a real-estate company he founded with his brother that focuses on affordable housing.

"We're going to run a campaign driven by a spirit of innovation and can-do optimism," King said in a statement issued by his campaign. "We're going to give voice to millions of Floridians who are struggling to make it and haven't given up the hope that we can do better. We are going to answer the call of every Floridian who wants a governor with the strength, vision and integrity to tackle important problems and provide innovative solutions. And we are going to invite every Floridian who wants to rise up and be part of something big, bold, and better, to join this campaign."


After weeks of back-and-forth between Scott and Corcoran over spending on business incentives and tourism marketing, there was a sign of slight movement on the part of the House. But only slight.

On Monday, House leaders filed a stand-alone bill that seeks changes at Visit Florida --- the state's tourism marketing arm --- but splits Visit Florida from another proposal that would abolish the economic-development agency Enterprise Florida. The move came after several members of the House Appropriations Committee expressed concerns about lumping the two proposals together.

"Dividing the issues into separate bills allows for more engaged and meaningful debate while putting Visit Florida on a path to real reform," House Commerce Chairman Jose Felix Diaz, R-Miami, said in a letter announcing the move.

Diaz's letter said funding for Visit Florida would be addressed in the state budget rather than in the stand-alone bill (HB 9). Scott has requested $76 million for the tourism-marketing agency in the upcoming budget, but Corcoran has vehemently objected to sending tax dollars to Visit Florida and Enterprise Florida.

But the House move didn't change the proposal to end Enterprise Florida, along with the Office of Film & Entertainment, the Florida Small Business Development Center Network, Florida's international offices and several other programs. Those ideas remain in the initial bill (HB 7005).

Meanwhile, Scott kept up his road trip in support of Enterprise Florida and Visit Florida. After returning from a visit to meet with fellow governors and federal officials in Washington, D.C., Scott got back to trying to crank up the pressure on House members.

Appearing at a "roundtable" discussion Wednesday in a crowded room at Link Staffing Services in Orange Park, Scott maintained his focus on securing the $76 million for Visit Florida and his suggested $85 million for Enterprise Florida as a way to continue creating jobs.

Scott didn't talk about the House's decision to split the initiatives but said the rumble over the funding is being watched nationally.

"They all know what we're doing," said Scott, who attended President Donald Trump's speech to Congress on Tuesday. "Last night, one of the individuals that sat next to me was the speaker of the House of another state. And he knew what was going on here, because they're excited. They know if we don't compete, they're going to get jobs."

As he's done at prior stops, Scott called out local state representatives who have backed Corcoran in the battle about the agencies.

In the Orange Park appearance, it was Rep. Paul Renner, a Palm Coast Republican who is sponsoring the bills, and Rep. Travis Cummings, an Orange Park Republican who is part of Corcoran's leadership team. Renner does not represent Orange Park, but his district includes part of nearby St. Johns County.

"We have got to let our House members and our Senate members know how we think," Scott said.


Leaving open the potential for taking another dip in elective politics, University of North Florida President John Delaney said this week that he will leave the Jacksonville university in May 2018, after a 15-year run as head of the institution. Delaney is the longest-serving president of UNF.

"There's not one reason," Delaney, a 60-year-old lawyer, said about his decision. "It just sort of feels like it's probably time. We've had a great run."

The former two-term Jacksonville mayor's name has bubbled up from time to time in discussions about elected or appointed office, and Delaney didn't exactly knock down the idea. Next year's elections could be particularly appealing for the Republican, with Scott's office and all three state Cabinet seats open.

"I've ruled out running for governor, but I may run for some other office," Delaney said. "You never say never in politics."

In the meantime, Delaney could remain at UNF and head a public-policy center, but he said there is a "better chance it will be in the private sector somewhere."

Delaney served eight years as the Jacksonville mayor and was responsible for the Better Jacksonville Plan, a $2.2 billion improvement initiative that created new public facilities and other amenities. He also led a major conservation land program.

In another noteworthy personnel move, Scott turned to Bradenton home builder Carlos Beruff to chair the Constitution Revision Commission. Beruff is best known for a bombastic run for U.S. Senate in 2016, during which he tried to assume the mantle of a Donald Trump-esque candidate for the seat. But his plans were undermined when incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio, who had run for president, got back in the Republican primary and trounced Beruff.

Announcing the appointment Wednesday, Scott praised Beruff --- a wealthy businessman born in Miami to Cuban emigres --- for living "the American dream in our great state."

"My goal for the CRC (the commission) is to fight for policies that will ensure a strong future for Florida, and I know Carlos also shares this vision. As we undertake this historic review, I am hopeful that this commission will propose policies that build a legacy upon which the families and businesses in our great state will thrive for generations to come," Scott said in a statement.

Beruff, 59, will be the first chairman who is not a lawyer and the first Republican to head the panel. Scott policy director Jeff Woodburn, a lawyer who has worked in various capacities for Scott since shortly after the governor took office in 2011, will take over as the commission's executive director.

Scott also appointed other members of the panel Friday, including state Education Commissioner Pam Stewart and Public Service Commission member Jimmy Patronis.

STORY OF THE WEEK: Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, a Democrat, became the first high-profile candidate in the race to succeed Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican who cannot run again in 2018 because of term limits.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Cleaning out the garage is not the sexiest thing to do. It is much sexier to build a bridge or name a road or do something. But I can tell you cleaning out the garage is the most necessary function. Government grows, and if the only thing you add to it is further growth, even in a macro sense, you're part of an ongoing problem."---Rep. Jose Oliva, R-Miami Lakes, on House Speaker Richard Corcoran's approach to the legislative session